Monday, May 22, 2017
Start Eating Papaya Seeds Right Now – They Are a Magical Cure For Gut, Liver, Kidney And For More Other Diseases
People often eat papaya and throw out the seeds, but if they knew how many health benefits they have they wouldn’t do that. Papaya seeds can cure numerous diseases and conditions such as worms, gut problems and Dengue fever.
Health benefits of papaya seeds
Liver health
The nutrient content of the seeds can cure liver cirrhosis – just grind 5-6 papaya seeds and mix them with a fruit juice or food. Repeat the procedure for a month and you will successfully detox your liver.
Kidney health
Papaya seeds can prevent renal failure and improve your kidney function.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Papaya seeds have powerful anti-inflammatory properties which can relieve arthritis, redness, joint pain and other inflammatory conditions.
Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties
Papaya seeds can fight off viral infections such as Dengue and Typhoid and can also eliminate harmful bacteria such as E. Coli, Staph and Salmonella.
Fight cancer
Papaya seeds are a great anti-cancer agent which can inhibit cancer cell growth and they also contain isothiocyanate, a compound which can help you defeat leukemia, colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer.
Eliminate parasites
Papaya seeds contain an alkaloid called Carpaine which can kill ameba parasites and intestinal worms as well. It can also help metabolize proteins.
A natural contraceptive
The seeds can be used as a natural contraceptive for both sexes and don’t have any adverse side-effects.
Improve digestion
Papaya seeds are rich in the papain enzyme which can help women to get pregnant and also improve protein digestion in the body.
In order to reduce sperm production, men should eat a teaspoon of papaya seeds every day for 3 months. However, you should know that the effects are temporary and your fertility will go back to normal after stopping the treatment.
How to eat papaya seeds
Papaya seeds can be taken crushed, ground or raw in some milk, fruit juice or salad dressing.
Side-effects and warnings
Pregnant women should avoid eating papaya seeds as it would extend to breastfeeding. Before giving them to your children, you should consult a doctor first.
How to make papaya juice
Take a couple papaya leaves, wash them and cut them into pieces. Pound and squeeze the pulp through a cloth, and drink 2 tablespoons of the juice every day.
Diabetes is difficult to treat, but you should know that there are many natural remedies against it. Many plants are powerful antidiabetic agents, and most of them have been used to treat diabetes since ancient times. Of course, not all ancient treatments were safe. Arsenic and uranium were also given to diabetics, but their effect on the health of the patients was devastating.
Luckily, these remedies were abandoned in favor of the anti-diabetic properties of beans.
Diabetes is a serious health problem which occurs when the body can’t produce or use insulin properly. The condition is usually treated with insulin shots which are taken every day in order to regulate the blood sugar levels. However, these shots have adverse side-effects as well, including weight gain, swelling and liver disease.
They also haven’t shown any great potential in treating the disease. Many experts suggest that lifestyle changes are the most effective thing against diabetes. In order to treat the disease, you should eat more legumes and cereal. They can reduce the insulin resistance in your body, which is the main cause of type 2 diabetes.
The European Association for the study of Diabetes, the Canadian Association of Diabetes and the American Diabetes Association all recommend legumes as a natural way of controlling your blood sugar levels.
According to an analysis of 41 studies in Canada which included more than 1000 patients, legumes are indeed one of the best remedies which can keep your blood sugar stable. However, some of the pulses (the legumes’ grain seed) were more effective than others. Chickpeas gave the best results, while black beans and pistos gave better results than plain beans.
Compared to the blood sugar peak caused by white rice, black and pinto beans combined with rice reduced the spike quickly.
Red and dark beans were not so effective as they have low levels of digestive starch.
Beans are effective against diabetes as they contain compounds which block the starch enzymatic digestion in the body, allowing starches to go to the colon and feed the beneficial bacteria in the bowels.
The inhibition of the amylase enzyme is similar to what the popular drug Precose does. Regular consumption of beans can also normalize your Hemoglobin A1C levels almost as well as any other drug, which makes the ingredient a great natural remedy against diabetes.
We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Natural RemediesThe Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic That Kills Any Infection in the Body

Nowadays you can find many natural based remedies that kills any infections in your body.
One of them is the amazing tonic that had been used in centuries, when ancient people suffered from many diseases and epidemics.
This tonic strengthens the immune system, has powerful antiviral and antifungal properties, and increases blood circulation in the whole body. Throughout the centuries, the master tonic has helped millions of people in the fight against the deadly diseases.
Today, people usually spend loads of money on various antibiotics to cure different infections in the body. But, there’s a better way – the Master Tonic, which can cure most infections and diseases, as well as having a detoxifying effect for the body. We’re going to display some of its ingredients and their benefiting effects, but you do not have to worry about that. You will see your body is going to be thankful.
1/4 cup finely chopped garlic
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
700 ml apple vinegar
2 tablespoons turmeric
1/4 cup grated ginger
2 tablespoons grated horseradish
2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find
Combine all ingredients in a bowl except for the apple cider vinegar. When ingredients are mixed well, pour them in a jar. Then add apple cider vinegar in the jar, close well and shake well.
Keep the jar in a Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks.
Shake well several times a day. After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put gauze over it. Squeeze well, so the whole juice comes out. This dose is enough to keep you safe from infectious influences and bacteria.
Additional Tip: You can also use it in the kitchen – mix it with some olive oil and use it as a salad dressing or in your boils.
Caution: The flavor is very strong and hot!
Extra Tip: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after you take the tonic to ease the burning sensation and heat.
Gargle and swallow.
Do not dilute it in water as it will reduce the effect.
Take 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight cold.
Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 1 small glass per day (the size of a liquor glass).
If you struggle against more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of the tonic 5-6 times a day.
It is safe for pregnant women and children (use small doses!) because the ingredients are all-natural and contain no toxins.
Health benefits of the ingredients used
Turmeric is the most perfect spice. It easily cleanses infections and reduces inflammation. It blocks the development of cancer, and prevents dementia. It is especially useful for those who struggle with joint pain.
Garlic is a strong antibiotic with a wide range of health benefits. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill millions of friendly bacteria which your body needs, it only targets bad bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent and destroys any antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-causing microorganisms.
Onion is garlic’s closest relative and it has a similar, but milder action. Together they create a strong fighting “duo”.
Horseradish is a powerful herb, efficient for sinuses and lungs. It opens sinus channels, where common colds and flu usually begin.
Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is a strong circulation stimulant.
Chili peppers are the most powerful circulation stimulators. They just send their antibiotic agents to fight the disease where it is most needed.
Apple cider vinegar – there must be something very healthy in the use of apple cider vinegar as the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used vinegar around 400 BC. It is said that he used 2 remedies only: honey and apple cider vinegar!
Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh ripe apples which are later fermented and go through rigorous process to give the final product. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, a fiber that reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.
Health experts agree that people need more calcium as they get older. Vinegar helps the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, which helps in the process of maintaining bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of problems including hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, sinusitis, and runny nose.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and more.
ACV is full of potassium and excellent for flushing toxins from the body and if you have a potassium deficiency it may result in slower growth. These problems can be avoided if you use apple cider vinegar regularly. Potassium also removes toxic wastes from the body.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Here Is How To Treat Diseased Prostate Naturally
We are talking about the prostate, which anatomically surrounds urinary channels and is located between the bladder and the end part of the colon. The shape and size resemble a chestnut and is consisted of small glands and ducts canals.
Prostate in healthy male adult weighs around 20 grams and it has a diameter of 03:30 cm. In the 40s it begins growing again due to proliferation of cells. If increased significantly it can cause many problems. We will now present below in this article how you can help yourself in such cases.
The commonest changes in the prostate are inflammation (prostatitis) and benign prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Inflammation of the prostate, usually first appears between 20 and 40 years. If left untreated or is accompanied by inflammation of the bladder, it can develop into a chronic form and last for months or periodically appears and disappears.
Prostaritis not a severe disease, but is unpleasant and adversely affects quality of life.
Benign prostate enlargement is a disease that comes with aging and starts showing the first symptoms after the 45th year. A large percentage of 90-year olds are having prostatic hyperplasia.
The cause of prostate enlargement is not sufficiently clearly defined yet, but is related to the hormonal changes that occur as men grow old.
Signs of prostatic hyperplasia are:
- Straining when urinating
- Difficulties in starting urination
- Intermittent urination
- Prolonged urination
- Insufficient discharge
- Full inability to urinate
- Frequent urination (on every hour or so)
- Multiple nighttime urination
- Urgent need to urinate
Herbs — allies to your health
Phytotherapy offers many solutions in the treatment of prostatic problems. Certain herbs have direct impact on reducing the increased glands, prevent or mitigate the unpleasant symptoms.
Prostate growth increases presence of dihidrotestosterona, which produces the hormones testosterone and enzymes in the male body.
The extract from the fruit of the dwarf palm (Serenoarepens), in accordance with the conclusions of several studies, can stop production of dihydrotestosterone, reducing the size of the gland that leads to failure.
Asian ginseng (Panak ginseng), can also alleviate some symptoms of an enlarged prostate. It is taken in the form of an extract or you can use the dried roots of the plant.
African plum tree crust (Pigeumafricanum) has received broad application in the treatment of enlarged prostate. Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms.
Nettle root (Urticadioica) is also very efficient when it comes to treating prostatic hyperplasia, which has been confirmed by the results of several huge clinical studies.
Vitamin B6 has also been proved to be effective in prostatic problems. It is the most present in bananas, avocados and dried fruit, and spinach.
Selection of ingredients in diseases of the prostate
Men with prostate problems should avoid all sources of caffeine and alcohol from their diet. Also, some species of red pepper can irritate the prostate. Fortunately, there is a large selection of ingredients which can be pretty helpful against prostate problems.
1. Kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli are ideal anticancer vegetables.
So far, the most researched compound is sulforaphane. It is broccoli’s ingredient that acts as an antioxidant in the body. It is listed as one of the reasons why broccoli is considered to be necessary food fight against cancer.
One American study has showed how consumption of broccoli and tomato combination effectively acts against prostate problems.
2. Tomato
The tests showed that men who have high levels of lycopene in the blood are less susceptible to prostate cancer. Carotenoid lycopene from tomato has long been known for its anti-cancer properties. Given that it abounds in antioxidants and vitamins, tomatoes should be mandatory vegetables in your daily diet.
3. Flaxseed
Flax seeds are a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (which is obtained from omega-3 fatty acids) and phytohormones lignans. Lignans in combination with omega-3 fatty acids may prevent prostate cancer. Ground flax seeds can be added to any dish. Linseed oil can be used in salads.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric in combination with cauliflower can preventing prostate cancer and inhibits growth of cancer cells.
Turmeric is a wonderful spice whose most important component is curcumin and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is used by many who suffer from severe cancer because they can prevent metastases.
It is important to note that turmeric is soluble in fat. This is why you should always combine it with foods that contain vegetable oils or natural fats. It is also ideal as a spice in dressings for salads, which are based on the olive, flaxseed or some other oil.
5. Pomegranate
Pomegranate’s ingredients have the ability to reduce the growth of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
It has been proven that a glass of pomegranate juice a day has stronger antioxidant activity compared to a glass of red wine or green tea. Also, pomegranate extract possesses 10 times stronger properties.
For improving immunity and prevention of health disorders, experts recommend daily consumption of 2.5 deciliters of freshly squeezed or quality-bought pomegranate juice.
Depression: How To Feel Awesome Without Drugs

Depression is rampant in today’s society. It’s safe to say that if you’re not on antidepressants yourself, you know someone who is. But these medications only treat the symptoms of depression – not the root cause(s).
If you’re like most people, some days just rock. Sometimes you feel superhuman, other times it can feel like something is just missing. For example, most people know that low amounts of sleep make them perform poorly, and that’s just a part of life, or they believe that in order to be thin, you should just get used to being hungry all the time. We’ve seen how those ideas stand up to Bulletproof methods.
Depression, however, can require medical attention – seek out your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. It is normal to have small amounts of sadness or depression, and they manifest themselves in different ways. Or maybe you’ve experienced a loss and it’s totally normal to feel sad and grieve. In those cases, if you don’t feel sad, you’re probably not processing an emotion so you can let it go.
However, sometimes sadness and depression persist. When this happens, some people feel lethargic, others tearful, or maybe you just lack your normal level of motivation. Or maybe it manifests as irritability or even numbness. Whatever it is, at the end of the day, it saps your performance and makes you feel less Bulletproof.
If you are diagnosed with depression, seek medical attention immediately. There are also some alternative treatments you can read more about below. CES technology in particular has shown beneficial for insomnia and mood, as well as treating some cases of depression.
- Read more about the Fisher Wallace CES device here
- For an over the counter CES machine to boost mood and relaxation, try MindAlive’s David Pro system
If you don’t have depression: mood hacks for the blues
So maybe it’s not depression, but hey, what if you could avoid those little grumpy moments that make your kids stay away from you, or those times your co-workers get coffee from a different floor instead of the coffee bar next to your office? What if you could build your resilience and even prevent it before it starts?
The rest of this post will give you some ideas to help transform the type of mild depression that sucks your energy into simple feelings you can work through and release, bringing you back to full strength.
The traditional approach to treating depression is to balance certain neurotransmitters with drugs. Drugs have their place, but many of the ones targeting depression are failures. They often work only as well as placebos, and they have a lot of unwanted side effects. Just like statins, these drugs don’t target the real cause of the disease – just the symptoms. They might help in the short term, but to really solve the problem you need to fix it with a more holistic systems thinking, Bulletproof methods.
While researching the Better Baby Book I came across a study on the topic of depression. The study focused on mothers, but the recommendations in it apply to us all.
This study’s four main recommendations for how to fight sadness without drugs are: happiness, spending time outside, exercise, and diet.
I used to have serious mood swings and unjustified bursts of anger that impacted my own health and my relationships with people I care about. That was until I hacked my brain and Bulletproofed my body. I started eating the Bulletproof Diet, lost 100 pounds, and used advanced technology to work my brain into a high-performance state. Now, I’d be shocked to feel myself wasting that much productive energy on being angry or depressed. Here’s how you can do the same:
1. Redirect your thoughts
Ok, this might sound annoying simple. But studies show that when you redirect your attention to the positive, your serotonin levels increase. There’s some evidence that your thoughts can alter blood flow to the brain, but only recently have scientists discovered that how you think can also alter neurotransmitter levels. Meditation has been shown to increase dopamine levels, and feelings of happiness also alter serotonin levels in your brain.
Low serotonin receptor function is associated with poor mood, and high serotonin levels areassociated with better mood. Basically, while low serotonin may cause you to feel sad, feeling happy may also increase your serotonin levels. It’s not clear which is more powerful, but one way to increase serotonin may be through psychotherapy methods like cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and my personal favorite, HeartMath training.
Doing Heart Math training literally strengthens the part of your brain responsible for turning on the “happy state.”
2. Get outside more
Mark Sisson has written some excellent articles on the importance of sunshine and light exposure. He’s made a great point about how working outside can increase your productivity, happiness, and health. The problem is that it’s hard to move your office outside (although there are some tricks you can use to make it work). Nevertheless, working outdoors is not something most people are going to do. However, other research is showing that bright light exposure may be a way to help increase serotonin levels and alleviate depressive symptoms.
Bright light therapy is especially effective in pregnant women. On a slightly macabre note, autopsies have shown that people who died in the summer have higher serotonin levels than those who died in the winter. In studies where they purposely restrict tryptophan to lower serotonin levels, bright light prevents the normal drop in serotonin levels. If you’ve been suffering from depression or unexplained sadness, try to get outside more often. If you can’t, think about getting a wakeup light or installing some halogen bulbs in your work area.
In fact, since I live in Canada where it gets dark in the winter, I have 1000 watts of halogen light mounted above my desk, which serves nicely to stave off the winter blues.
3. Exercise
If you’ve been reading the blog or listening to the podcast for any length of time, you’ve probably figured out that excess exercise is not Bulletproof. However, the right kinds of exercise can be beneficial for a number of reasons. A massive review of most of the available evidence found that exercise is extremely good at improving depressive symptoms and increasing mood. Some forward thinking agencies are even prescribing exercise instead of antidepressants, because “the risk–benefit ratio is poor for antidepressant use in patients with mild depression.” In other words, exercise is more effective and safer, at least for people with mild depression. In animals, exercise increases serotonin levels and the firing rates of serotonin neurons. Does this mean you should start training for the Boston Marathon? No, but it is evidence you might benefit from a strength plan like the one we’ve laid out here. To learn more about the benefits of Bulletproof exercise, listen to our interview with Dr. Doug McGuff, M.D.
4. Diet
The last, and possibly most effective way to increase serotonin levels in your brain and improve your mood is to eat the Bulletproof Diet. In animals and humans, tryptophan increases serotonin levels. In cases of light to moderate to depression, tryptophan can alsoimprove mood. Even in healthy people who are ranked as slightly more irritable than most, small amounts of tryptophan can make them more agreeable and less irritable. However, there is a difference between dietary and supplementary tryptophan.
Tryptophan supplements raise serotonin levels, but dietary tryptophan does not. If you do take tryptophan as a supplement, don’t take it when you have recently eaten protein, the other amino acids in protein compete with the absorption of tryptophan in the brain.
There is also evidence that a high tryptophan diet may be bad for you over the long-term. However, there are a few foods that may increase serotonin levels. Some of the proteins in whey can improve mood in humans after just a few hours. This might be one of the reasons people feel so much better eating Upgraded Whey.
In the end, changing the types and amounts of protein you eat is probably less effective than the types and amounts of fat you eat. Studies have shown that consuming omega-3s improves mood. On the other hand, consuming large amounts of oxidized artificial trans fats can decrease your mental performance and hurt your mood. When you eat these fats, they’re assimilated into your brain and other tissues. They replace the fats that you need like omega-3s, and make you more irritable, less intelligent, and less Bulletproof.
The Bulletproof Diet is high in omega-3 fats, clean saturated fats, and moderate amounts of animal protein to give your body what it needs for a stable mood, but not too much to cause inflammation.
How to Bulletproof your brain against depression without drugs
Like most recurring problems, the Bulletproof approach is to try what should work, if that works, great. If no, then do what “shouldn’t” work. Drugs are supposed to be some sort ofcure-alll for depression and mood disorders, but most of them don’t work very well. Here’s what you can do to help prevent and fight depression without turning to medication:
1. Practice pleasure. Use meditation or Heart Math training to learn to “turn on” a state of happiness that can replace sadness. At a minimum, take some time out of your day to focus on everything you love in life. Get therapy if these things don’t help.
2. Be in nature, or at least pretend to be. Humans evolved over millions of years living outside. Only in the last several thousand have we migrated into the sheet rock caves that we now call offices. Bright light therapy has been shown in several trials to helps alleviate depressive symptoms. If you can, install some bright lights inside your workspace. Being outside is even better, because you’ll also increase your vitamin D levels naturally. At least add a few plants to your work space.
3. Exercise. The right kind of exercise can do wonders for your body and mind. Not only will it get you leaner, stronger, and help you live longer, it also improves your mood. Use a plan like the Bulletproof Body or Body by Science to strengthen your mental and physical abilities.
4. Eat the Bulletproof Diet. Avoiding toxins and getting enough – but not too much – tryptophan will help your mood. The Bulletproof Diet also optimizes your omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratios, which improves your brain performance and overall health.
Using a combination of high doses of fun, bright lights or nature exposure, the right kind of exercise, and the Bulletproof Diet, you can help fight mild depression and optimize your mental performance.
How do you take care of yourself when you are down? What has worked for you?
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